Why do I have to schedule a phone call with you?

Why won't you just quickly call me and answer a few questions?

David Flowers

Last Update il y a 2 ans

That's an awesome question! When you first contact me about counseling services, there's a decent possibility that I ultimately won't be able to work with you. Reasons for this include:

*You don't live in the state of Michigan. It's illegal for me to treat people in other states, since I am licensed in Michigan.

*Your relationship issue is not one I handle (violence and/or substance abuse are prominent part of the problem).

*You are looking for a counselor who does in-person sessions, which I don't.

*You want to use insurance, which I do not accept.

*You need to see a counselor on weekends, or at other times I am not available.

*You can't or don't want to pay my fees.

*One or both partners still haven't called off an affair yet and aren't willing to before the counseling starts.

*Other issues

My process (submit consult request, schedule consult call, and then get on the phone with me) assures that by the time I get on the phone with you, there's a good chance we'll be able to work together. I work alone, with no administrative help, and I have to work as efficiently as I can or I'll get confused and people will end up falling through the cracks.

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